
Dill's Life Lessons

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The life lessons in To Kill a Mockingbird molded into who they are, by giving them tragic, and emotional moments to impact their future and further actions. The lessons that they learn in the book are key points to understand how they will act and behave in the future. The emotional side of the lessons also impacts them in ways that they didn’t think were possible. Since the characters are younger, the lessons have more of an impact on them; rather than an adult, where the events can be seen as a shadow, not a light. The two main characters Jem, and Scout are impacted the most, because the author gives them very different personalities, due to the amount of information the author can reveal about them. Characters like Dill, aren’t given as much time to explain themselves. Throughout the book; characters are being taught life lessons every day. Many of the characters don’t know that they are being taught life lessons …show more content…

Considering that there are only 3 or 4 of them. The life lessons that Dill are taught are slightly different from the ones that Jem and Scout are learning. The lessons that Dill learn are more about the differences in society. Quoted from Lee, “ Dill recited his narrative: having been bound in chains and left to die in the basement by his new father, who disliked him “(159). This quote is saying that Dill ran away because of his abusive parents. More than abusive, almost murderish. Dill was scared for his life, and in that moment, when in fear, the body sometimes makes stupid decisions. In this case for Dill, he made the right one. Dill had escaped his abusive father as a hint to the kinds of people who are out in their society. Even though Dill had this man coined a “father”, he never really cared for or even loved him. The attitude that Dill has throughout this remains a mystery. When he talks to the Finches after he crawls out from underneath the bead. The first words that he says is

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