
Dinitrophenol And Its Effects On Marine Life

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In today’s era the industrialisation, agriculture, domestic activities led to a large amount of wastewater having toxic elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, arsenic, chromium etc. and carcinogenic organic compounds which has adversely effected human lives, animal lives and environment [1, 2]. In trace amounts, Cr (III) is an essential nutrient for humans and to mammals for their maintenance of normal glucose tolerance factor, lipid and protein metabolism [3]. On the other hand Cr (VI) is very toxic to human as well as marine life and poses various health problems such as liver damage and pulmonary congestion and regarded as carcinogenic also [4-6]. Dinitrophenolic compounds, a group of persistent organic compounds, has received a widespread attention due to its detrimental effects to the environmental and human health [7]. 2,4-Dinitrophenol has been extensively detected in the industrial effluents due to its diverse use as a raw material for speciality chemicals or as an intermediate in textile, dye and pharmaceutical industries [8] which can restrict the cell growth even at low concentration (1 mg L-1). …show more content…

The high toxicity and carcinogenicity of DNP and Cr (VI) compounds makes it essential that these should be effectively removed from the wastewater streams thereby posing limitations on the conventional

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