
Water Contaminants Are Bad For The Marine Life And The Environment

Decent Essays

Salmon populations have been declining for years, especially very drastically in the last few years. This issue has been going on for years with very little awareness of the public living in the Northwest, especially around the Puget Sound area in Washington State. From Seattle Times I quote, “There used to be coho salmon runs all through Puget Sound and creeks. There haven’t been for decades,” said Julann Spromberg, a toxicologist working for NOAA Fisheries. “They’re coming back, and they’re dying. We need to figure out what’s going on.”
One of the main causes of the declining number of salmon is water runoff. Water runoff is an over flow of water from rain, snow melt, and other sources of water that goes into the stream and eventually into the ocean. Unfortunately, the water runoff will pick up anything that it went through such as oil, pesticides, fertilizers, and other water contaminants. These water contaminants are bad for the marine life and the environment, especially in our case the salmon in the Puget Sound area. With the increasing population in the Puget Sound area, there will be more and more land being developed to provide more space for more people. More population in the Puget Sound area will also increase the water pollution in the Puget Sound waters, which is not a good case for the salmons. In my opinion, salmons of the Puget Sound are almost in the verge of extinction.
First of all, let us talk about Puget Sound as a body of water. Puget Sound is a

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