
Disability Education Act

Decent Essays

Educational Regulations and Implications http:nichy//.orgThis federal law Individual with Disability Education Act (IDEA) generated in 1975, first known as Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EHA). According
FACTS ABOUT CEREBRAL PALSY IMPAIRMENT to this law, students with disabilities in (K-12) have the same right to get the education in public school with the typical students. It is a great revolution in education because before this law the children with disabilities are excluded to the education. Basically IDEA has six main principles that are included an Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), an Appropriate Evaluation, an Individualized Education Plan, (IEP), Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), Parent and Student Participation …show more content…

Following is a brief review of the IDEA’s six principles, and part c.
Free Appropriate Public Education: All children with disabilities, regardless the severity of their disability are must be provided a free of cost appropriate education in a public school according to the FAPE.
Appropriate Evaluation: It is mandatory by IDEA that each state find and evaluate each child who has disability. This process is done by the school system called Child Find. When a child has suspected disability, then school system contact the parents and asks permission to …show more content…

This plan develops, reviews, and revises at least once a year by a team that is included educators, parents, and the student with appropriate age. It is an important legal document that emphasis on the special education and its related services. This plan helps children to be successful in their academic careers. IEP creates modification in the curriculum that help children to learn general education. It also provides special services, such as speech, physical, and occupational therapies. Additionally, this program accommodates the students with disabilities with an extra time, so they can complete their assignments and tests. The students with disabilities are also provided with the special equipment, such as cans, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, specialized exercise devices, and the specialized desk or table, and chairs for an appropriate posture development. Plus, they are provided with assistive technology software’s, for example, speech recognition, screen reading, argumentative and alternative communication devices, and academic software

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