
Disadvantages Of Books

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It is time to be honest, these days who has the time to sit down with a book and read for hours and hours. Sure, there is this nostalgic ideal of cozying up with a good book, drinking some tea, and getting lost in a brand-new world. However, this appealing scene isn’t practical for most people. Most people are too busy, and even if they found an hour or two; the time most likely won’t be enjoyable. To really enjoy and comprehend reading a book a person must be stress free and relaxed, but due to the stress of an individual’s life that can seem impossible. So, is humanity doomed to a future filled with un-intellectual people who know nothing of literature? The answer is no because there is a solution that has been around for quite a while, but a lot of people don’t take advantage of it. The solution is audiobooks. With the rising use of technology in people’s everyday lives one can see why audiobooks are the next step in a reader’s life. As a result, Audiobooks are a growing industry which has clear benefits that physical books lack.
The most important factors when considering if one should read using audio books are the benefits to one’s comprehension of the content in said audiobook. Unlike other forms of entertainment like television or music which can be turned on and forgotten about without ever being listened to or thought about. Reading’s purpose is to invoke thought and tell a story. Music and television can be put into the background and be passive. Books however

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