
Disadvantages Of College Tuition

Decent Essays

A college education should be considered a valuable asset, one that can also be considered a cornerstone of a life’s foundation that will help with success in society. A high school diploma was once thought to be the only education needed to procure a respectable wage earning job, but in today’s ever changing world one needs some form of secondary instruction or a college degree is needed to acquire the most basic entry level jobs. According to a US News article the average tuition as well as fees for public National Universities has increased during 1985 to 2015 by 296 % (Mitchell). With the increasing cost the dream of attending college has become more like a fantasy. Last year’s 2016 presidential campaign debates presented candidates’ arguments regarding the rise in college tuition cost. Some candidates’ argued for free college whereas other candidates strongly opposed free college tuition. One side argued that free college tuition would help solve some of the economic issues faced by a large number of citizens today, but the other side argued that free tuition would further cause economic problems by adding to the US debt. While each side had compelling arguments, making college free for all will not solve employment or economic problems of today. Making college tuition free is a terrible policy that would cause already high taxes to raise, flood the market with degrees causing the devaluation of the college degree. There is no need to make college tuition free because,

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