
Disadvantages Of GPS Trackers

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Today, one of the biggest fears of pet owners is losing their pets, the sole prerogative of keeping your pet safe is your responsibility. Unfortunately, people lose their pets on a daily basis, this scenario is avoidable and can be prevented by the use of GPS tracker for your dogs and pets. GPS trackers are more efficient than implanting a microchip on your animals because they hardly fall off, they are waterproof and sturdy.

Advantages of GPS Trackers for Pets
It provides a real-time monitoring of your pet's whereabouts.

It is easy to use; with a touch of a button, you can access where your pets are and what is happening to them.

Today, some technologically advanced trackers can be linked to your phone and computer to monitor your pets easily.

Why do I need to use a GPS tracker for my Dogs/Pets?
GPS tracker for …show more content…

The Tracker is like a smartphone for your pet and needs its own SIM card to function and monitor your pets.

Real-time GPS Trackers require five (5) major components and parts to work.
• GPS Antenna - for connecting with the local telecommunication towers and for getting coordinates from the satellite
GSM Sim card - To enable transmission of local data via the telecommunication towers
• Processing board - For managing and processing the data
• Battery - The battery helps to power up all the above listed components

The GPS tracking device is worn outside the dog's body and it is like the size of a business card, it transmits the exact location of your dog and gives information on directions to get to the location. The GPS tracker also alerts you when your dog strays beyond the preset jurisdiction or when it is in danger of being harmed.
The GPS tracker interacts with a network of space satellites that is capable of determining the location of your pets by triangulating the signal between these

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