
Disadvantages Of Magento 2

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I’m still learning Magento 2 but it’s all really clicking into place for me. I like it very much! I look forward to being as engrossed in Magento 2 as I currently am in Magento 1. Merchants can expect better performance and scalability with Magento 2. It has a more contemporary feel to it and is built with responsive design in mind from the beginning. A faster site with multiple browsers and mobile device support means that a Magento 2 site can reach a larger audience with faster page load times which will result in higher conversions. Arpatech: You were an attendee of Magento Imagine 2015. In your opinion, what are the advantages of attending the Magento conferences like Magento Imagine, Meet Magento, Mage Titans for amateurs who want to involve …show more content…

I always learn a lot, whether by watching a presentation by a Magento master or chatting with other attendees throughout the day. I always leave feeling like the costs to attend was well worth it. Arpatech: Sean, Which conferences you are going to attend in the future? In 2011 you made a big Magento group “Magento Certified Developers” on Facebook. So, how has your experience been so far with the community members? Which social platforms are you using to stay connected with the Magento community? Sean: I’m planning on attending Magento Imagine in 2017. I look forward to seeing what’s in Magento 2’s future first-hand, straight from the mouths of the developers and other giants in this industry. I started the Facebook group in 2011 before the MCD certification was released. The goal was to create a social media forum that was focused on helping people find resources to learn about Magento. There are close to 3,000 members now and no spam allowed. I will only approve posts that contribute something to the …show more content…

How you spend your time besides work? Do you like Sports? What’s your favourite place and how many international trips have you taken so far? Sean: I’m not really a sports fan. I enjoy what I do so much that a lot of the time it doesn’t feel like work, so my work and hobbies sometimes overlap. In my free time, I follow augmented and virtual reality closely. I’m very excited to see the technology finally start to catch up with the VR dreams of thirty years ago. My favourite place is where I live right now here in Port Orange, Florida. We were slammed pretty hard by Hurricane Matthew but luckily my area was spared a lot of the devastation that people close by experienced. My fence was blown away and we had some superficial damage but that’s obviously nothing compared to what others have lost. I was very fortunate but it’s bittersweet to be relieved about that since so many lost their lives and homes. I don’t travel a lot but I visited the UK (London) for six months in 2010. It was interesting to see how life is in another country. One of the major highlights was when my wife and I went to see Stonehenge on an after-hours tour where they allowed a small group of us to walk inside the circle of stones for an

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