
Disadvantages Of Using Static Analysis In The Computer Software Analysis System

Decent Essays

Statistic analyze is the computer software analysis performed by not actually executing the software that is being tested. Static analysis doesn’t include dynamic execution of the software under test and can detect potential defects in an early stage, prior to running the program. It can be achieved by a machine to automatically “walk through” the source code and detect noncomplying codes. A compiler which finds lexical, syntactic and even some semantic mistakes can be given as a classical example. It can find weaknesses in the code at the exact location.

Static analysis can also be carried out by a person who would review the code to provide correct coding standards and conventions are used to construct the program. This is generally called Code Review and it is done by a peer developer, someone apart …show more content…

The defect gets more expensive as long as the defect persists. One of the most crucial advantages of static analysis is the detection of defects earlier during the process when they are easier and more cost effective to fix. Other advantages involves removing program components that are not necessary and ensuring that the software being analyzed is compatible with other programs that are likely to be run concurrently.

Another advantage of using static code analysis is you can define your project specific rules, and they will be guaranteed to follow without any manual intervention. In case any team member forgets to follow those rules, static code analyzer will highlight them like fortify or find bugs.

As the static testing is faster and achieves 100% coverage, the unit cost of detecting these bugs by static testing is much lower than detecting bugs by dynamic testing. If you have an urgent deadline looming on the horizon, the part where you use dynamic testing tools can be omitted. However, tool-supported static testing should in no case be

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