
Discover Engineering: Aeronautical Engineering

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Discover Engineering: Aeronautical Engineering
Engineer combines the field of science and math to solve real world problems to make it a better place (Google Definition). Engineering is a diverse field of work there are many disciplines within engineering that can involve the application of a very different body of knowledge and skills (2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. IED Activity 1.5Discover Engineering-page1). There are a lot of disciplines within engineering, naming all is too much, the most common engineer discipline are civil, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering.
The Engineering Profession
Those four disciplines are all great careers to follow. According to Degree 101 civil engineers are people who build, design, and maintain structures transportation. The making of the highways, skyscraper and other structural building is the job of a civil engineer. Chemical engineers create products that improve the lives of others in both large and small ways. They would use the processes of chemical to create and innovate goods, for example shampoo is a product of chemical engineering also frozen food. Electrical engineer are those who would work with anything electrical such as computers, game consoles, and MP3 is part of electric engineering. Thanks to their work we have amazing electronic gadgets we have today we use in our everyday life. Finally, mechanical is the discipline that applies the principle of mechanics and energy to the

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