
Post-Secondary Aerospace Engineer

Decent Essays

Post-Secondary- Aerospace engineer

Job Description: Aerospace engineers’ jobs are designing, creating, testing, and the supervision of the making of aircrafts, space crafts, and missiles. Some of the most advanced technologies today are developed by people who work in this field. Aerospace engineers have developed, tested, and created things like lightweight gliders, airplanes that weigh over half a million pounds, communication satellites, and the international space station. Aeronautical engineers and astronomical engineers are the two categories aerospace engineers are usually broken into. Aeronautical engineers generally work with aircraft, while astronomical engineers generally work with spacecraft. However, all aerospace engineers must have an understanding of include the field’s core subjects, such as aerodynamics, propulsion, thermodynamics, and guidance and control systems. Engineers typically specialize in one area such as structural design, propulsion systems, instrumentation, communications, or production methods. Aerospace engineers are important as the communication …show more content…

Also, some test and design military equipment such as jets and missiles. NASA, in the US hires aerospace engineers to help them test and design equipment for space travel. Aerospace engineers work with computers, blueprints, and cutting edge technology. Typically, aerospace engineers work 40 hours a week, but sometimes they work extra hours to meet deadlines. Knowing that many others rely on technologies they create for survival, makes their job a little more stressful. Aerospace engineers spend a lot of time testing the durability and safety of the machines they have built, but most of the tests are done using computer simulations. Occasionally fieldwork is necessary in order to test prototypes or

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