
Discrimination Against Asian Americans

Decent Essays

In the past, Asians were invited for labor opportunities that allowed them to work in the United States for a short period of time because they were thought to be loyal workers. Once the Asians were no longer wanted, quotas were established to limit the arrival of new Asian immigrants. Anti-Asian sentiments have given the United States the opportunity to discriminate against Asian communities through a variety of laws. For example, within the 1940’s many vulgar images of Japanese Americans began to filter the common American household. Thus, this caused many Americans to feel the need to separate from the Japanese into concentration camps away from their sight.
2. Hate crimes have been very similar in all of the communities because each race …show more content…

Dominant white racial frames have led Asian minorities to follow outlines that they have been racially attached to. Americans have labeled Asian Americans as the “model minority” that other minorities should look up to in order to have successful futures. Thus, this title has led other Americans to either discourage themselves because they are not Asian, or to better themselves in order to fit the Asian American criteria through rigorous schoolwork.
4. In hopes of eliminating the excess use of stereotypes and discrimination, many Asian Americans have begun to participate in political activities. Korean Americans have taken initiative by protesting against the unlawful actions that have led them to be discriminated in the workforce. Meanwhile, Filipino Americans have been electing officials that could potentially help their community have a say in politics.
5. Anti- Asian discrimination usually leads many Asian Americans to lose dignity. In the past, their have been report of colleges that refused to let Asian American students into their colleges because the students did no have any extra curricular activities despite their extraordinary grades. Thus, many Asian American students were appalled because they knew that they had earned an entrance to the universities through long hours of studying. Consequently, this led many students to sue the schools for not allowing them to further their education because of their

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