
Discrimination And Discrimination

Decent Essays

Discrimination and hate has seemingly become one of the forefronts of discussions in this country especially lately with many unjust killings of minorities by people of power, and what is truly frightening is there looks to be no end to that in sight. Although times have changed from full on discrimination or separation between those of color and white people; Coates perfectly demonstrates that there is still a huge amount of hate in this country as well as lives not treated the way they are supposed to be treated. Ta-Nehisi Coates is a man who wrote a letter to his child about the struggles that he may have to endure just because of the color of his skin as well as introduce troubles he had as he was growing on that added on to the …show more content…

This scream for help was the main subject that he meant to emphasize, he wanted to let his son know that school may not be the true path for people like him as the people who are being discriminated against must not let their voice be silenced through means of standardized skill sets. Sadly at the age of fifteen, Samori experienced the tragedies of Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and many others being killed with no accountability being held demonstrating one of Coates lessons in that black bodies were seen no less than a dogs. Later Samori then had to experience the killers of Michael Brown acquitted of their crimes further exacerbating Coates idea. Anyways, Coastes is trying to educate through his letter to not be afraid to have your voice heard as silence is defeat, but it is sad that even someone as young as his son is already fearful for his life. Lastly, educating these children not through school means, but as a belief system set for their children is what will improve this treatment of black bodies. Race should not be the catalyst for this treatment of black bodies and communities it should be what actually saves them as they should be united. Coastes makes it apparent to demonstrate that Black people today now want nothing more than to be seen as White people are no matter how much they must sacrifice. This Appalling stance seems to play into his description in what race truly is: “But race is the child of racism, not the father. And the process of naming “the

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