
Discrimination Based On Age, Race, Gender, And Sexual Preferences

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In our society of the twenty first century, there are a plethora of issues we face day by day. For some people, they see it, but think it isn’t possible to change it. After a long day of work, the news appears on the Internet, and I see the group of protestors I have been watching have been jailed. Following this, arguments were also made with the White House Security. I see on the TV a reporter continues to add more depressing news. Due to the cause, lobbyists are encountering strong opposition in Congress. I have been wanting to become a part of this change so I am going to be the one to create a group of grassroots activists. I want to make the difference over this ongoing controversial issue of discrimination based on age, race, …show more content…

I will need programming skills to create the website, and event planning skills. I have my ideas, but I also need the minds of others to get things done. Our first problem is discrimination on age. The United Farm Workers or those known as UFW is a labor union for farm workers in the United States. Cesar Chavez founded the association toughened by his early experience as a migrant worker. Many members come from the fields bringing knowledge and experience in farm work in order to benefit their brothers or sisters. They were the ones to have went through the low wages, crucial conditions, and bad living. They truly know how hard it is to have organized a union. There are tons of biographies indicating the stories of farm workers who worked at young ages such as 15 and 16. In history and in our society, young teenagers are struggling to work and go to school to help their families make a living day by day. They have to go through the long and tiring days, low wages, and just suffering in all. Not only is age discrimination on young ages, but also people who are 40 or older. In all, this effects someone’s confidence, job experience, financial situation, and the quality of life. The Age Discrimination Act only forbids the discrimination against those of 40 or older. From work situations, to harassment, and employment

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