Nicholas Blount
Tapiarené MWF 1-1:50
April 26, 2013
English 100
Final Draft
Assimilating vs. Recognizing Ethnic Diversity As children grow up, they become the person they turn out to be because of experiences and the culture and society they grew up in. Nations are affected in the same sense because the people living in a nation affect how the nation is influenced and builds its character. Discrimination has been around for too long and needs to be dealt with. This act is not right, God is the only one who should be judging anyone. A different skin tone or race should mean nothing, everyone should be treated equal. African Americans still to this day, receive employment discrimination. More companies prefer to hire White
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“No one talked about the concept of cultural diversity as a mosaic or as a tapestry of multi-colored threads that when woven together created a vibrantly rich and textured fabric. “Real Americans” were white. “(147) Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston gives her audience an eye opening account of how The United States, a country which prides itself on its diversity, is filled with prejudice and discrimination wherever immigrants are concerned. Jeanne is a beast, she didn’t let anyone stop her from achieving her goals “Not even when I was told I should not continue with journalism major at San Jose State because I was ‘Oriental’ and a female. There were no jobs in the field. So I changed my major to social welfare. And when I was told again by the head of Juvenile Probation Services that they could not hire me as a probation officer because the community was not ‘ready’ for ‘Orientals,’ I did not protest”. Dealing with the same discrimination in my life I can fully relate to Jeanne, there really is nothing you can do but chalk it up and move on with life. I have been discriminated against because of the color of my skin my whole life. Sometimes people just hate me for no reason. Growing up I wasn’t picked or didn’t get the rewards I deserved all because of my skin tone. Its not my fault that I put in the work to be the best that I can be and those who didn’t got the reward just because they were white. It is so hard to please the
Biologically speaking, all people are made up with approximately 99% of the same genes (Robbins et al. 2013:80). It does not matter if a person looks different or has a different skin colour; we are all humans and thus should be treated equally. Unfortunately, this is not the case in most of the world, especially in America. In America¬ (and other parts of the world), several communities and companies believe in white privilege. One of the first reports of white privilege in America was in the 1600s, when white people enslaved black people (Nkomo & Ariss 2013). Back then, having slaves raised a white person’s power and identity, while also making it beneficial from a business standpoint (Nkomo &
Every single person grows up experiencing different situations. One of the few experiences that most white people never experience is discrimination. As a disabled white male, I was literally refused service at a restaurant many years ago in SC. I've experienced other examples as well. That said, I have no idea how anyone else that has ever been discriminated would
The act of racial discrimination, unfortunately, occurs today all over America. Racial discrimination occurs to many ethnicities, one of the more common ethnicities it occurs to are: African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. People of these ethnicities are then treated differently, due to the fact that they look different. The act of racial discrimination can occur anywhere and at any time. It can be seen as something
The government that directs the country of the USA is declining towards the side of racial characterization. The current president Donald J. Trump who is the head of the US government, must be a person with the lowest level of ignorance. The history of racial characterization gives us the idea that it is a bad road for those who acquire it and lead a country towards a better future. The US Constitution has been changed with amendments not to characterize people, granting freedom to American citizens.
Being an immigrant to this country, I have always been treated differently. People have laughed at me, bullied and made fun of me simply because I am Indian. I have always wondered that I am just here trying to accomplish something great and help out those in need in any possible. Then why people treat me differently? What have I ever done to them? I have tried to escape these situations in the past by trying to be different from what I really am so that people will like me. But how long would I lie to myself? One day, I told myself I am tired of being someone else and I am just going to be myself and I am not going to care about how I will be treated by others. Due to that significant decision, today I belong with the right people who care about me and I care about
Race Discrimination is a problem in our world for many reason. While many people may say that it this isn’t a problem because dIscrimination/racism could separate people in categories or races. Even though insulting one's race is bad, it could describe who they are. It can also make people have a stronger faith on themselves to push on and live life with the insult.This is still an issue that we need to think about because it can affect people in many ways. In this essay this problem will be explored by examining how this issue emerges in The wife story by Ursula Le Guin as well as in additional research that can be found in the book, The rise and fall of the jim crows law by Richard Wormser and in the website What is discrimination
Race and ethnicity within the United States is socially constructed to keep the white elite within power, while poor underrepresented social classes suffer from systematic oppression. Through history laws have been implemented to keep Jews, Latinos and African Americans from migrating into developing communities which hinders their access to public resources.
Racial discrimination has become a hot issue in the United States. Protests against the inequality of the court system and the young lives of black youths has sparked a racial divide. This problem has been occurring even before the establishment of this century. Racial tensions between blacks and whites goes far back to when slavery was still legal. African men, women, and children arrived to the free lands only to work their way out of slavery early on. Until the slave system became more strict, many young african american men and women could pay off their debt to their owners and marry. As the slave system became more strict, the possibility of buying your own freedom was erased. After the Civil War, many issues arose for the former slaves. The political leaders wanted to provide rights to protect the freed slaves, yet the States found loopholes to deny a free black man from being ‘free.’
Though the 2008 presidential election was a form of history in the making, many people had mixed views about it. Some people felt as though America was ready for this “drastic” change, while other thought it would be detrimental to the United States economy as well as everything the country claimed to stand for. Though racial discrimination has always been prevalent, the remarks of many journalist and voters prove this to be true. This was the debate between Barack Obama and John McCain.
America is a country with many successes. Along with success, there are many problems that contribute to success. A big problem that affects America largely is racism. Racism has a big toll on a lot of people. Many African Americans don’t understand how Obama was elected because he’s black. People question if the United States Justice system are discriminating against African Americans. Racial discrimination has been labeled as “fascinating and highly distressing.” This is only 1 out of the many problems America needs to work on. I don’t think this is a credible source is because the author uses personal pronouns to express their own opinion on the situation. Another reason I believe this source is not credible is the author has very biased
Racism and discrimination directly and indirectly affect me because I come from a poor, uneducated Muslim family, all of which puts me into the minority category. As a minority, upward mobility seemed like an impossible dream. My mother was never able to attend school, and my father only studied up to the 10th grade. After moving to the United States in 2006, my parents' relied on us to take care of many tasks that required understanding English, which forced my siblings and me to maneuver the adult world on our own. We are obliged to help with tasks such as paying bills, completing legal paperwork, and even taking my parents to the doctor and grocery stores. My family responsibility requires me to be mindful of my parents’ income, how we live,
On the outside, people do not see me as anything special or unique; I am just a white teenager born into a middle-class family, so many assume that I do not have much of a story. I would tend to agree with those who make this claim. I do not possess any deep, heart-wrenching stories about how me and my family defied racial inequality and discrimination and struggled being different where we lived. We happen to fall into the category of being non-Hispanic whites that nearly 80% of Americans identify themselves as. Though my skin color does not invoke many comments or bizarre questions, my dialect certainly does.
“There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens.” “By enforcing this statute, Arizona would impose, ‘a distinct, unusual and extraordinary’ burden on legal resident aliens that only the federal government has the authority to impose” (Archibold, 2010, p. A1).
Discrimination is unjust and should be stopped for good. I have witnessed people being told they couldn't play football with us because they aren't "athletic enough" or because "we don't even know you". I find this ridiculous because every person should be treated as someone even if they are a little more different than ourselves. Another example is in the short story "Desiree's Baby" the woman was kicked out once she was said to have african heritage. The husband couldn't accept the fact that his wife's heritage was partially African so he disowned her completely when come to find out he was the one that was of African decent. Discrimination is totally unfair and should never be used; we should always treat others as we ourselves would like
I agree with the article “The Case against Affirmative Action,” written by Louis Pojman, for I believe the program is morally unjust. I understand the attempt it is making to make up for mistreatment in the past, but I don’t believe this type of opportunity compensation will solve the problem. By giving preference to ethnicities who were not given preference in the past, society must again lower a group’s worth, this time the majority group. We have learned from our past and do all we can to make society equal, and over time, by society’s behavior and mentality, the equality will exist fully.