
Discriminative Movement Examples

Decent Essays

For many times in history, there have been different types of governments that have targeted certain sections of the population and discriminated some people inside that population. Some of the examples of discriminative movements are movements against religious groups , being discriminative against people of the opposite gender and also due to race and the color of people’s skin.

There are some places in the world where people, specifically Christians , are being persecuted and put to death because of their faith. The most major areas in the world where this occurs is in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia. . this is due to their different religious structures in their governments. In North Africa and in the Middle East, the religious structure is mostly made up of the Islamic religion and this is the reason why the people there, engaged in the Christian lifestyle, are persecuted and put to death because of their minority to the overall population of the Islamic people of the surrounding area.This also happens a lot in Asia due to the Buddhist and Hindu religious system.

In the early times in history, women were discriminated by men …show more content…

The government and the white population forced the black people to stay in separate places, be separate from other people of the opposite race and, mistreated them and made almost all of their rights non – existent. In South Africa, the ways of the apartheid law were almost linked to the same tactic the Nazi government used against the Jews during the Second World War. Apart from the killings of millions of Jews in Germany, Hitler’s rules of separating the Jews from the Germans, not supplying the Jews with jobs and other very dictatorial rules were almost linked to the way the South African Apartheid government used against the black people. Thus the white people lived a more privileged life then the black

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