
Discussion Forum Essay

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| NSB020 Assignment 2 | Discussion Forum Essay | | | | Contents Page Contents page………………………………………………………………………………pg.1 Discussion Forum Essay………………………………………………………………pg. 2- 8 References…………………………………………………………………………… 9-12 Appendix 1: Toolkit Strategies……………………………………………………….pg. 13-16 Appendix 2A: Reflection - Patient Centred Care……………………………………….pg. 17 Appendix 2B: Reflection - Hostility in the Workforce……………………………… 18 Appendix 2C: Reflection - Delegation….………………………………………………pg. 19 There are many issues associated with the transition from graduate registered nurse into practicing registered nurse. Recent studies have found the phase to be a stressful period for many graduates the main challenges were fitting …show more content…

There was also concern if current education can develop a nurse’s preparedness in delivering quality care (Griffiths et al, 2012). One of the participants stated “you might be the best clinician in the world but if you can't communicate and you can't listen properly to people and you don't take on board and understand what they're saying you may as well go dig the street” (Griffiths et al, 2012). Furthermore another participant stated “…each individual should be [evaluated] and their needs be assessed and implemented on that particular individual…I just feel it's a conveyor belt system. Get them in and get them out sort of thing” (Griffiths et al, 2012). In another qualitative review which explored nurse’s perspectives on patient-centred care, suggested time management was the largest barrier preventing them from communicating effectively with their patients (Chan et al, 2012). One nurse stated “sometimes, I have to deal with 20 patients in one single shift… if one needs 10 minutes and there are 20 patients in total, how much time would we have to spend on this? Don’t we need to do other tasks?” (Chan et al, 2012). According to the Australian Commission on safety and quality in health care, (2011) effective patient-centred care is employed through training health professionals to

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