
Disengafication Theory Of Aging

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As we age, we become more and more sedentary, this appears to be a normal part of the aging lifecycle. We tend to shift from physical activities to more leisure activities like reading, relaxing and thinking, and watching TV, according to one time use study up to 58% of people aged 55 and over spend the majority of their time watching TV each day (Novak 326). One may feel they have earned the right to lounge around and become less active as they age or enter retirement, as they have paid their dues to the working community. This sedentary life style leads to obesity, in 2008, 26.6% of people aged 60 years and older were considered obese and their decrease in physical activity makes the body slowly decline due to neglect, putting the elderly at risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and disability (Novak 330). Disengagement, continuity, and age stratification theories provide some insight as to why we become more sedentary as we age: disengagement theory is known as elders withdrawing socially as part of the natural aging process, continuity is based on ones level of activity in their middle aged years and is carried into their later years, and age stratification theory is when society expects the elders to behave in particular way, and don’t offer as many social roles for the elderly (Novak 331). As I read the article Who's Gaming Now? Seniors Turn To Wii Bowling by Joshua Brockman, I felt happy and encouraged by the women’s Wii bowling league and their

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