
Essay on Disk Jockeys

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Disk Jockeys

In today’s modern world the DJ has become a musician; the turntable, his instrument. It took fifteen years for this amazing resolution. DJ's have actually been around for years; mixing and scratching however, it did not come along until the late 70's or early 80's (“Disc Jockey 1”). A lot of people were doing this. But the main front line man was and still is Granmasterflash. Granmasterflash, one of hip-hop's founding fathers and the creator of the Quick Mix. He was the first person to change the arrangements of songs by using duplicate copies of records and manually editing/repeating the climatic part by rubbing the record back and forth (“Grandmaster Flash”). But now the DJ has changed. The kinds of DJ’s are different, …show more content…

For some DJs this includes talk and games, while for others it means spinning the latest and greatest to the hippest people in town.
The equipment that is needed to start out to be a DJ is two turntables. DJ’s will also need a scratch mixer. The DJ will need some cartridges/needles. He will also need a good pair of headphones. DJ’s would definitely have to vinyl or records (“DJ Equipment”).

There are two types of turntables. There are belt drive turntable and a direct drive turntable. Belt driven decks work by a big rubber band linking round a motor, then round the underside of the deck plate. The motor makes the band rotate, which in turn makes the plate turn. On direct drive decks, however, the motor is placed in the center of the deck, which turns the center spindle of the deck 'directly' instead of a rubber band linking the motor. Right now the best turntable on the market is the Technics SL-1200 Direct Drive Turntable. The SL-1200 Turntable has a pitch lock button. The pitch lock button has the ability to change the tempo of a song without changing the pitch. This lets drastically speed up songs with vocals without a “chipmunk” effect. The SL-1200 also has quartz pitch blend control. The pitch blend control is the effect of the temporary changing of pitch to get beats in phase. Club DJs typically use their fingers to speed up or slow down the record by pushing/pulling the record by the label. Some twist the spindle in the center to

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