
Disproportionality Paper

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Disproportionality is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society. This paper discusses the background, affected groups, and potential recommendations for the mounting problem of disproportionality. Throughout the paper, the reader will delve into the vast topic of over- and under-representation of certain groups within special education. The main groups that are discussed are African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, Native Americans, males, and females. Some are discussed in more details, where others are grazed over. The potential negative consequences of being misidentified and inappropriately placed in special education will be examined.

The Mounting Problem of Disproportionality
In the United States of America, disproportionality …show more content…

Skiba has provided the reader with recommendations to solve the problem of disproportionality. His recommendations provide guidance in both the short- and long-term. According to Skiba (2013), it is no longer acceptable for the states to define disproportionality. Each state has a different political and social culture. Certain cultures have a tendency to be more racial and ethnically bias. Disproportionality should be defined at the national level (Skiba 2013). Skiba (2013) also suggests that there should be an emphasis on the identifying disabilities early. We as a nation must focus on the intervention and prevention of the practice of disproportionate representation. The Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act of 2004 “mandates that states have in place policies and practices to prevent over identification or disproportionate representation by race or ethnicity” (Skiba, 2013, p. 116-117). The states have failed to meet the needs of their students. It is time for the states to be held accountable for their blatant discrimination. It is important for us as a society to provide a voice for the millions of students that are being misidentified by their

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