
Dissociative Identity Disorder In The Movie Shutter Island

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It is vital to study psychological disorders since individuals all over are constantly diagnosed with some form every day. In addition, by studying them, researchers will learn more about how to care for these patients. One common disorder involves dissociative identity disorder, which is when a person experiences multiple personalities (BOOK). In addition, this disorder involves some form of break in the consciousness usually caused by trauma (book). By examining Leonardo DiCaprio’s characters in the movie Shutter Island, directed by Martin Scorsese, a viewer can see post-traumatic stress brought on his Dissociative Identity Disorder. Teddy Daniels, also known as Andrew Laeddis suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder as he produces symptoms in all three categories for PTSD: flashbacks, avoidance, and hypervigilance. To begin this analysis, it is important to offer a synopsis of the movie. The main character, Teddy Daniels, plays a 30-year old U.S. Marshal who visits Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane, with his partner Chuck, to investigate the disappearance of a patient named Rachel Solondo. Rachel was admitted to the hospital after drowning her three children. In addition, Teddy chose this assignment as a way to find Andrew Laeddis, the man who set fire to his apartment, unfortunately killing Teddy’s wife. Andrew Laeddis is also the most dangerous patient at Ashecliffe. Throughout the movie a viewer sees Teddy interacting with many people leaving behind

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