
Diversity Is A Diverse Nation

Satisfactory Essays

Question 1 There are numerous pros and cons to diversity in the work force, and because we are a diverse nation it is always prevalent in our society. As a whole we have found many ways to make diversity work in our best interest. Diversity is what has given our country an exceptional strength and flexibility. There are many demographics that qualify for diversity but a few of them are ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, age, people from different countries of origin, and those with disabilities. In most ways diversity is a great benefit. The different ideas and opinions that people bring to the table create a special advantage that can aid a business company or a school or just in our everyday lives. Diversity brings peoples differing views, knowledge, sensitivities, and strengths in communication and understanding. Having the ability to take what each other has to offer and putting it to good use can make for a successful and more efficient work environment. Promoting diversity in a work setting when applied correctly is extremely beneficial. These people can bring in different viewpoints, talents, and experience from their individual backgrounds and apply those strengths to their work. An employee who is originally from another country can provide a cultural understanding that can help a company with global customers. Different age groups in a workplace bring different ideas and values together. The baby boomers are in general traditional to

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