
Divorce And Its Effect On Children

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In society today, divorce is more the custom than it has ever been before. There are countless causes for divorce as there are people who split-up. There are numerous dynamics that subsidize to divorce, such as financial issues, substance abuse by a partner, irresponsibility of one or both parties, sexual carelessness, the effortlessness of receiving a divorce, and several other reasons. Divorce is the result of a marriage that is confronted with complications that appear undefeatable, an incapability to cooperate, relationships growing at a distance, material misuse, a religious conviction that forgives annulment, authorized simplicity of obtaining a divorce, the cheapness of receiving a divorce and additional influences. Divorce destroys not only a marriage, but families and children involved too. Divorce causes further problems in the future for families and children. The effect of divorce can even lead to additional physical and mental abuse, rebellious children, and even health problems. In a technological based society it is natural to want to keep up with the newest gadgets gizmos. Men working longer hours and women doing the same to obtain the newest fashion can cause relationship separation. Money and your financial situations can cause stress and more pressure on working more hours for hope of relief of financial burdens. Economic issues are numerous causes of divorce and have harmful effects. Financial issues can lead to major stress and emotional issues that

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