
Kate Weiner 's Fly Away Home

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“Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce,” states Jennifer Weiner, a New York Times Bestselling author, in her novel, Fly Away Home. Although Weiner has a point in voicing that a dispirited and forlorn relationship can corrupt the innocent mentality of children, it is vital that she also considers the darker, more sinister side of divorce. To put the term ‘divorce’ simply, it “is what husband and wife do together when they no longer wish to do anything together“ (Yantiss). If for any reason one may feel as if their current marriage isn’t right, isn’t working out, for them, one way to solve that problem would be divorce: the …show more content…

As a matter of fact, about one in five women descend into poverty after divorce because of unequal wages between the two genders. If one has children, they must pay for child support, a court ordered payment to support the children of divorced families, in addition to other fees, including payment for a separate house, or apartment, and other expenses if an adult has custody, or shares custody of their children. Some will insist that this doesn’t have much of an effect on richer couples, but it’s crucial that one remembers that both of the people involved in the divorce don’t automatically stay the way they are, even if they’re rich and extremely wealthy. They won’t both maintain the same standard of living as they had before, so divorce actually does have a financial effect on everybody, no matter the richer or the poorer the person is. Essentially, the income that used to support any household now must stretch and break up to support two. The loss of wealth can severely damage a person’s life, but not as considerable as the depletion of their well-being. The influence of a divorce on one’s health is severe, and may lead to depression, or even death. According to Christina Hetherington, a therapist and life coach specialising in Relationship and Divorce Coaching, divorced men have death rates that are 250 percent higher than married

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