
Divorce Is A Win And A Loss For Parents And Children

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Divorce is a Win and a Loss for Parents and Children The divorce rate in today’s society according to Barbara Dafoe Whitehead is higher than ever. Although people have a legal right to file for divorce, it is still viewed as an ethical problem. Barbara Dafoe Whitehead writes in “The Making of a Divorce Culture”, that divorce has become an ethical problem in the United States. In today’s society, divorce is viewed as a social norm, and that couples should have a right to file for divorce with no stigma. Although Whitehead argues that divorce is an ethical issue, she also shows reasons why couples should carefully think of filing for divorce before making a final decision such as their children’s consideration. Whitehead successfully presents the divorce culture as a very serious ethical problem by giving ideas of why parents are getting divorced, and how their children can be effected by it. Although divorce is viewed as an ethical problem, people still have the right to file for a divorce if it is for their own satisfaction. We never know what happens behind closed doors between a couple, and what types of issues they are going through. Whitehead mentions in her article about how abusive and how demolorizing some relationships can be. In her article, Whitehead states “We must assume that divorce is necessary as a remedy for irretrievably broken marriages, especially those that are marred by severe abuse such as chronic infidelity, drug addiction, or physical

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