
Divorce: Word Analysis

Decent Essays

The Divorce that ended my childhood
Divorce is a seven-letter word that can be interpreted in many ways. As simple as the word is, but the latter outcome is never the same. We find someone and fall in love with them we think we will always want to be with that person for the rest of our lives so we ask for their hand in marriage. We long for the happy ever after as we have seen in so many fairy tales. There is a period of good times and maybe even children. However, what happens when life does not turn out to be the fairy tale you so long wished or had hoped for. What then, do we try to fix things or do we end things just as fast as we started them. Do we separate ourselves from that person and move on with our lives? The questions or tasks …show more content…

My mom would ask. Most of the time I could not hear what my dad would say, but they were excuses from the tone of my mom’s voice. “Are you picking up Tony and Mike to go with you this weekend?” I would her say. “Well if you would have kept it in your pants.” “None of this would be happening and you would have more money.” Were some words that came out of her mouth. Worries about responsibilities start to emerge as well. For instances, I never worried about money until my parents split up after that I worried if my mom had enough money for the bills or for food, clothing and with my hospital bills. I was into skateboarding and had many visits to the hospital. After a while, a child of divorce starts thinking it is their fault that their parents split up as well. We start asking ourselves “what if.” questions like, “what if I would have listened more?” when asked to clean up my room and didn’t or “what if I spent more time with dad?” instead of playing that darn game when he asked if I wanted to go anywhere with him. By summer break, I had a completely different state of mind. I was more defiant and questioned everything my mom or dad would ask me to do. I would deliberately start fights with my brothers and sisters to get a rise out of them. I wanted them to hurt as much I did emotionally. I started disliking other kids just because their parents were still married and were not going through what I was going through. I was mad at my dad for cheating on my mom. By end of the summer, I had blamed him for everything. In addition, to top it all off we were moving to another state. My freshman year of high school was a difficult time for as well. As my mom had moved the whole family to Texas, I became even angrier about leaving my friends behind and that my dad had to stay. I acted out in high school more so than ever. I got into fights. I was always in detention and skipping school. I hated

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