
Dmap1 Research Paper

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The gene that we are interested in for this project and for the duration of this semester is DMAP1. Not a lot is known about this is a gene, however in other organisms, it is involved in the methylation of DNA. DMAP1 is responsible for encoding a protein that associates with another protein that methylates DNA. The methylation of DNA alters the DNA structure and makes it unavailable to transcription factors, so the mutation of DMAP1 could lead to changes in transcription and gene regulation. For example, if DMAP1 were mutated, less DNA methylation might occur and more areas of DNA could be accessible to transcription factors and ‘active’, making more genes transcribed than should be. Gene alterations are important as they can lead …show more content…

This wings clipped strain will provide the transposase enzyme, allowing the P-element to be mobilized, and provides a dominant marker (stubble), allowing us to recognize flies in which the P-element could have been mobilized. We are hoping that, because the P-element is so close to the DMAP1 gene, that mobilization will cause the P-element to insert into the DMAP1 gene. Although P-elements can insert anywhere onto the genome, they tend to insert into the beginning of genes, and because DMAP1 is so close to where the P-element has inserted, it is likely that it will insert into DMAP1 when mobilized. The P-element could insert anywhere on chromosome 2, as well as anywhere else in the genome. After mobilization, it is possible that chromosome 2 will no longer have the insert, or could have multiple inserts at different locations. If the P-element does insert into the DMAP1 gene, it would deactivate it, as its DNA “code” would no longer be correct, and it would not produce a functional protein if transcribed. As there is no guarantee that the P-element will insert into DMAP1, we will do multiple crosses. The mobilization cross will involve flies of genotype Xyw/Y;P*/P*;+/+ crossed to Xw/Xw;Sp1/CyO;Sb Δ2.3/TM6B. We will then collect progeny of genotype Xw/Y ; P*/CyO; Sb Δ2.3/+, which will be recognizable by their curly wings and stubble. The presence of the stubble phenotype tells us that the wings-clipped transposase element was present to allow the P-element to mobilize. When the P-element is mobilized, it may move in each individual cell that will form sperm at the end of meiosis. For this reason we will collect males individually in preparation for the next cross, as each male could have the P-element inserted into a different position. We will then take each male

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