
Do High Prices In Healthy Food Promote Obesity?

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Do high prices in healthy food promote obesity and other diseases? Obesity has dangerously increased over the years. Its consequences can be fatal for the human immune system. Some of the complications of overweight are: heart disease, diabetes, malnutrition, cancer, and even death. However, the cost of healthy food is twice or three times more than the price of junk food. Everywhere healthy options are more expensive, even water costs more than sodas. Making healthier food more affordable, will contribute to having healthier population. I think healthy food options should be more affordable because cheaper prices for junk food promotes obesity and other severe health issues, and families with low income can’t afford the costs of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating habits can have remarkable effects on your health. Obesity, according to Medical News Today, obesity is ‘‘...a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health.’’ This is caused by a person consuming food with empty calories, too much sodium, fats, sugars, etc. However, obesity is not the only …show more content…

Having ridiculously high prices for this food type of is not only promoting obesity among children and adults, but it’s giving the rest of the population a skeptical view towards having to commit to a diet that truly satisfies the need of nutrients for your body systems to work properly. The costs of a healthy diet causes families to choose snacks that do not contain enough nutrients for the immune response, and exposes them to enormous disease risks such as diabetes and heart disease. Some people think that everybody has access to healthy food and that the rest is one’s choice. I do agree that everybody is capable of choosing a healthier lifestyle; however, let’s not forget that not everybody can afford it. A statistic by Trust for America's Health

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