
Do Sudan and South Sudan have a Home?

Decent Essays

We all belong somewhere. We all feel a connection towards a place that we call “home”. Yet this statement doesn’t apply to all people because not everyone is lucky enough to have a strong identity that they are certain about and that is linked to their country and culture. Sudan and South Sudan display great examples of countries that were once united as one nation but had had to split because their citizens had different perspectives of themselves and of their national identities. In addition, boundary disagreements over the distribution of resources worsened the conflict and made it harder for the Sudanese people to come to an agreement. Boundary conflicts, therefore, reveal that the loss of a common cultural and national identity among citizens weakens a nation’s unity and can result in loss of place. Sudan was well known for its diversity in language, religion, and background. People in northern Sudan are mostly Muslims of Arab descent, while people in southern Sudan follow Christianity and tribal religions and are of African descent. Thus, “Sudan’s population is divided by ethnic, linguistic, and religious differences.” The government was primarily composed of northern Sudanese, who had lots of power and control over the country’s matters. Southern Sudanese, on the other hand, had little say in the government and their autonomy and rights were harshly limited. This led to the first civil war between the Sudanese government and the SPLA, or the Sudan People’s

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