
Do You Believe Miracles?

Decent Essays

Do you believe in miracles? Before, I never thought that miracles could happen till I saw one happen right before my eyes. It was very scary and one of the worst days of my life I was 15 and my brother was 17. I knew from that day on my family and my life would no longer be the same. This is how I knew miracles really do happen. My mom told him not to drive at all, but of course he didn’t listen. It was my first church youth conference and my parents wouldn’t be with me and my brother. This year my youth conference was going to be in Ohio. I was super excited, my parents weren’t coming and I felt independent, even though I was still with other youth from my church everything is always different when your parents are not around. In one car it was me and my two cousins the next car had my pastors and 3 other youth and the last car that followed us was a van with my brother who played the drums and the other 5 musicians that all had their instruments in the van. Before we left my mom told my brother and everyone in the van “I don’t want Jesse driving he just got his driver’s license.” When everyone arrived at church we did a prayer and then headed off on our almost five hour drive to Ohio. The youth conference was only four days long Tuesday to Friday but since it was a long drive we decided to come back on Saturday morning. I had an amazing time at the conference I was able to make lots of friends. My brother was already well known because he usually plays the drums at a

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