
My Nephew Trenton Research Paper

Decent Essays

As I spent time with my children this weekend, I came to the realization that miracles happen every single day. When a child is born, how they develop and how we all heal when hurt are all examples of miracles to me. There are many things we really can’t explain but we try through scientific means. My nephew Trenton was born a very big and got stuck while being born. He was completely blue when born and his mother was told that he would be completely ignorant and not able to walk. Robin, my sister in law refused to believe what she was told. She has relied on her faith and has done everything in her power to help her son. She has tried everything from physical therapy to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Today he is fourteen years old and he has taken a few steps by himself and is smart. The boy gets A’s on genetic tests that some adults would have trouble taking. We had the pleasure of his visit this summer and I enjoyed talking to him with the help of a computer. I give all the credit for his continued progress, to his faith and my sister in law’s faith. They believe in God and that God is good and will be good to them. When we have faith, miracles happen! My nephew Trenton is an …show more content…

Having more scientific knowledge will help back what I have seen and was told. Seen through firsthand accounts and heard by my mom. This will help in gaining the confidence of my patients, family and friends. I also need to learn my verses on faith and healing. In Isaiah 41:10, it states, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. God is always there for us and strengthens us and helps us in times of need. Knowing verses such as this will help others through tough times. Know that I have answered all the questions this paper addresses; I would like to

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