
Do You Have A Long Haired Cat?

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Do you have a long-haired cat? Do you find yourself having to shave off his long hair due to matting and knots? Most cats prefer to groom themselves instead of allowing their human companions to apply a brush or be bathed. Some take this really seriously and will become aggressive if someone tries to groom them. After getting bitten, scratched and putting up with general uncooperative behavior, the feline will most likely either be left to his own devices and become horribly matted, or will succumb to the stress and embarrassment of being shaved a couple times each year. By teaching your cat to accept being groomed you can spare yourself and your cat the stress and agony of proper grooming. The best way to begin is to associate the presence of the grooming tools with something positive such as kitty treats. Offer your cat the treats as he remains next to the tools. If you intend to bathe him, place the treats in the grooming tub or sink and allow your cat to eat them there. When your cat is fully comfortable with being near the grooming tools or tub, begin touching him with the tools. For example if you are using a brush for his long hair, offer him food rewards as you gently apply the brush. Some cats will allow brushing along their backs and heads, but not their stomachs or tails, which is where the knots tend to accumulate on a long haired cat. Begin with the areas in which your cat is more amenable. When he relaxes during this process, do a little brushing of those

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