
Do You Prepare For Change Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

How do you prepare for change? People always tell me; How can you move so often? I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't be able too. It must be hard on the kids. How do they adjust? Aren't you scared? What about school? ... Its hard but not impossible! First of all You need to accept change. You need to embrace it. You need to develop the ability to adapt to change. You wanna know something? I LOVE MOVING! Yes, it makes me sad and I get highly overwhelmed. I go through all the possible emotions. I'm like a Superhero that has the power to suck in everyone's emotions but on steroids. Lets not add to that the fact that I am a woman, What does that make it? A Superhero that sucks emotions as its power on steroids multiplied by ten. NO! x 1000!

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