
Docopera Essay

Decent Essays

Saee, Week before the Docopera is particularly challenging for students who actively participate in this event. I had impression that time constrains did not allow you be as prepared as you used to be for the previous IQs. This is OK. I am sure you will return to your regular high level of participation during next weeks. Sam, On Wednesday you continued providing the most valuable contribution, which is summary and integration of the metabolic pathways at the board. Based on your participation in the IQs I did not expect anything but flawless leadership on Friday and you have performed admirably in this task. You did control the session. You did not allow the group to drift away by intervening when needed. As a leader you should not be …show more content…

Hannah, Now I better understand your last week’s comment about your more active contribution to the IQ session in block 2. I guess you were yourself for the first time in block 3. It is interesting that you claim spending only 1 h for preparation because you have participated to nearly each LO that we covered. I particularly enjoyed your drug drill. It looks like you are ready for the pharmacology course of block 4. It is good that you are sensitive to the needs of our group and plan to leave a bit more room for others to participate. Let’s believe that our problems with one person dominating the discussions are over. I am happy to see that the student is very responsive to our feedbacks without sacrificing his contribution to the group. Daniel, This was a great week for you. You showed good understanding of how the metabolic pathways interplay with each other and were able to provide valuable summary to the group. I found this contribution to be a great finish of the 1st part of the block. It seems like you will prevail in the second half. Just please stay consistent in your participation. Isaac, Let’s believe that our problems with one person dominating the discussions are over. I am happy to see that the student is very responsive to our feedbacks without sacrificing his contribution to the group. You mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday that your preparation to the IQ session was not optimal and that it was difficult to balance details of

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