
Does Age Matter In Relationships Research Paper

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Does age matter in a relationship? In the article Age Is Just A Number: Maturity's What Really Matters In Relationships, Annette Szproch declares, “We often put up walls and flee for the mountains, but before shutting the door on the chance at love, think about your potential lover’s maturity level” (Szproch). Maturity is very important because if the level of maturity is the same, there will be greater communication, similar interest in activities and great compatibility. Maturity allows the age difference to be insignificant. When it comes to dating, the age gap range varies depending on the age, and maturity. It is socially acceptable for adults to date other adult. For example, a 25-year-old and a 30-year-old dating is acceptable to people, whereas, a 15-year-old and a 20-year-old person would be unacceptable due to a minor dating an adult. …show more content…

Although they are both adults, the age difference is very wide. The age gap between the two is a 30 years’ difference. In cases like this, both parties are adults and has maturity and experience. Society has a term “midlife crises”, where a middle-aged man dating a much younger woman. When it comes to maturity in dating. Maturity is important because one is able to keep a long-term commitment in a relationship. There has to be a same level of maturity or a similar level because maturity keeps the relationship durable. Randal Olson, who analyzed the stats from Emory, showed that couples with a “5-year gap in age are 18% more likely to divorce, and those with a 30-year gap in age are a whopping 172 % more likely to divorce” (Kinney). This means that a couple with a minimum age gap are less likely to divorce than couples that have a wide age gap. It is said that 4 years is the perfect age gap, even though there are couples that have a much wider gap, that does not mean that every couple is doomed to have a falling

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