
Does Anti-Money Laundering Work?

Decent Essays

How Does Anti-Money Laundering Work?

(anti-money laundering act, anti-money laundering process)

kw: anti-money laundering

Meta: With the rise of globalization, money laundering is even easier in the modern world. Find out how anti-money laundering programs work to combat this crime.

Money laundering is the process that criminals use to make “dirty” money seem clean. They may set up a business to funnel money through like a car wash or a strip club. In the increasingly globalized world, some criminals also use shell companies, international wire transfers, multiple bank accounts and offshore accounts to make their illicit earnings appear legitimate. Anti-money laundering task forces are set up to combat this problem. Since money laundering …show more content…

If many money launders are investing in front businesses, it makes it seem like there is an increased demand for car washes. Often, money launderers invest in financial products, which also distorts the marketplace.

How Can Organizations Fight Money Laundering

There are international organizations set up to combat money laundering. Groups like the FATF have recommendations in place that financial institutions and governments can use to guide their anti-money laundering activities. In addition, many nations also have specific laws to address money laundering. In the United States, laws like the Bank Secrecy Act, the United States Patriot Act and the Money-Laundering Suppression Act were all set up to combat this crime.

Can AML Stop Terrorists?

Anti-money laundering programs can help to combat terrorism. Terrorists may receive money from legal or illicit sources. Before they buy an airline ticket or spend money on terrorist activities, the money has to be funneled into accounts that look legitimate. If Osama Bin Laden's bank account had been used to buy an airline ticket or purchase excessive amounts of fertilizer, it would have been flagged. If an account owned by Sallie Jones buys fertilizer for ABC Greenhouse, it appears less

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