
Does Bonsoy Soy Milk Manufacturer Or Distributor Have Any Liability?

Decent Essays

Question No. 1

Does Bonsoy soy milk manufacturer or distributor have had any liability to the Australian consumers in the tort of negligence?

Set of laws

Tort: A tort is a civil wrong which is done by one party to another. As a result of this, the person who is suffered or injured can take civil action against another party. The law of torts provide the rules and regulation to the society. If these rules and regulations are breached the person is liable for remedies (usually monetary). According to P. Latimer; after the successful test case of Donoghue v Stevenson in 1932, where the plaintiff getting sick after drinking a contaminated drink, negligence is tort which now dominates modern tort law.

Negligence: Civil Liability Act 2002 – Sect 5 states that, “negligence” means failure to exercise reasonable care and skill. (AustLII, 2015) If the plaintiff is suffered damage or loss by defendant, the plaintiff can sue the defendant for the loss occurred due to negligence of the defendant. There are three basic fundamental steps to prove negligence under the Civil Liability Act that the plaintiff must be able to prove:
 Duty of care: There is a duty to full fill in the conditions
 Breach of duty: The action of the defendant in the conditions did not meet set level of standard of care
 Damage: The plaintiff has suffered damage or loss due to the conditions which could have been foreseen. (Hobart Community Legal Service Inc., 2013)
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