
Does Gender Equality Base Selection, Pose Serious Challenge For Researchers?

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In our current generation, gender imbalance has escalated to become a worldwide problem for many individuals. It has caused them to divide into their own little worlds and not form a connection with one another. In Ghulam Nabi’s and Song Wei’s article, "Does Gender Equality Base Selection, Pose Serious Challenge for Researchers? A Review Based on Earlier Studies”, different researchers attempt to investigate issues with gender inequality that occurs with hiring new women applicants in job markets. In Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “Making Conversation”, he mentions about how some people in our world does not accept one’s culture. In Mara Hvistendahl’s “Missing: 163 Million Women”, she examines how the population of girls have reduced while the population of boys continue to multiply in Asia and other places in the world. Once some people begin to track down more aspects leading to gender imbalance, they will be able to learn how to maintain a more balanced social environment with others around them. For the most part, the existence of gender imbalance is causing women around the world to lose out on opportunities. They are missing their chances of developing and growing into the real world to find out who they really are just because they are being discriminated by their gender. A lack of transparency in selection procedures has caused many women candidates to not receive a job position. Nabi argues from one of the researchers, “Dory (2010) has mentioned that many issues

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