t blinded him, infected the aspiration of the whole family. In the same manner, Mama left her dream and walked forward for the sake of her family. She was a mother who wanted to live in a big house with a garden in the back and nice flowers. In act one she said, “Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home...” However, these dreams dried up a long time ago and stayed as a dream. Which bring us across the simile, “Does it dry up / like a raisin in the sun?” Mama feels she has failed in taking care of the family so, she sags under this pain, wishing that she had done something for them. This reflects in Mama taking care of that plant that represented something she can take care of.
In the poem, “Which Plant Is Not Faded” it is a depressing poem that talks about the hardships that the people went through throughout that time period. It explains in (line 1-4) that everyone is to fight. It doesn’t matter what they are doing or even if they have a family but they are taken out of their homes to fight and to create
She is upset by the loss of the day even though her mother attempts to distract her with a garden of flowering violets, her father also attempts to comfort her. Finally, she returns to sleep after dinner. Her memory is a positive memory and the motif if the violets are used to link the past and present as it will help her get through her dark times. In the visual her memory is included, and he mother confronting her is one of the main images that she remembers from this. The image of her mother comforting her is a very important one, as it establishes the role and persona of a mother at the time and how women in that era were seen as to stay home look after children and the men went out and worked to support the
In ‘I kneel to pick frail melancholy flowers among ashes and loam’ a tone of loneliness and sadness is established as the persona enters. Harwood describes the violets as ‘frail’ and ‘melancholy’, terms that arn’t usually associated with flowers. This is also explored in the juxtaposition of ‘ashes’ and ‘loam’. Ash is symbolic of death and decay which contradicts the ‘loam’, symbolic of life and birth. The persona’s dark and unpleasant perceptions reveal their uncertainty and state of mind. The present tense indicates the persona’s adulthood and their sense of longing and unsatisfaction conveyed through the nostalgic delivery of
The seasons are part of the mother's life, while the father goes through life as if all were winter. The mother runs her house according to the seasons. She grows "miraculous gardens and magnificent flowers…"(132), and during berry picking season, "She would walk miles…"(132). Growing gardens, flowers and picking berries are seasonal activities. Every flower and fruit has its cycle during the year, which alludes how the mother lived through this. The importance of the seasons as part of the mother's life is presented even in the end of the story when the narrator says that the "[mother] looks through her lonely window onto the ice of winter…"(140). Therefore, she is alone gazing out the window, waiting for her death, which is symbolized by the winter. On the other hand, for the father all the seasons are the same. All of them are winter. The narrator describes his father, "with blue eyes flossing like clearest ice
Better said, those swallows and honeysuckles existed only because of that romance that just ended. And when the poet uses the simile " drops of dew like tears of the day," it also symbolizes the ending of the love affair.
Throughout the play A Raisin in the Sun there are many components representing a variety of different things and ideas. The most central component would the Younger’s apartment, as every scene takes place in the apartment, making it a very prominent symbol in the play. The apartment holds several meanings throughout the play such as the families roots and unity, a broken dream, hope and determination. The apartment as a symbol of the families roots and unity is a bit of a stretch but it is none the less a symbol.
Imagery in The Raisin In The Sun displays uniquely to distinguishes each feeling or reaction proceeding to the characters. The reader gets more of a better image of situation, actions and feelings as illustrated “Mama: Son do you know your wife is expecting another baby? (Walter stands stunned and absorbs what his mother has said.) That’s what she wanted to talk to you about…” (Act 1 Scene 2 Page:1568.) With this image you can examine him feel so much emotion Walter at that time. The imagery of him just sitting there blank as stone, the feeling of anguish, speechlessness and surprised with the news that may seem as bad news giving him the image of unhappiness. Furthermore, it exposes the possibility to be a restriction Walters dream and the families dream as said according to Mama: “Mama: I'm waiting to see you stand up and look like your daddy and says we done giving up nary another one… I'm waiting.” This is a big interpretation towards the American Dream that they needed money but it was a load of work to provide enough for Travis and the baby. It consumes the part of Walter that he can't explain with money, it was his one and only chance to use properly for himself. In Addition, Walter is not just being selfish but he is just seeing the outcomes of his dream be put down. Then again there was also a big huge family that was living in the house; in which was also needing to provide Mama but she expected more from her son, to be wise enough to choose between the right and
"Does it dry up/like a raisin in the sun?" (2-3). suggest that a postponed dream will eventually be forgotten or fizzled out. The image of a raisin stimulates the reader's sight and taste senses. The dream is like a sweet grape which is fresh and new. If you set that grape aside (in hopes of coming back to it later) it most likely will be bitter, dried out, kaput, and
conveys the majority of the message in the poem, ' does it dry up like
Lorraine Hansberry’s first and most obvious symbol used in her play, is Mama’s plant. Mama’s plant is really old and it lacks very much of what it needs to maintain healthy and stay alive. The plant symbolizes several things. One of the things it represents is Mama’s care for her family. Just like Mama -cares for her plant even though it is old and lacks nourishment. She still takes car^&e of it, waters it, and gives it the sunlight it can get. This represents Mama’s care for her family because her family is falling apart but she still cares for them, gives them a roof to live under, and she has hope that things will get better. Another thing that Mama’s plant represents is Mama’s dream. Mama has a dream of someday having her own garden and a house of her own. Mama’s quote in Act I Scene I, “Well, i always wanted me a garden like i used to see sometimes at the back of houses down home.
I believe that the plant did have a significant role in the play. Symbolically, I think it represented Mama's dream for her family. In the very beginning, we read that Mama was taking good care of the plant despite the light and water that it barely ever receives. This is very similar to her family, as she struggles to provide a positive enviornment for her kids. However, she still gives them plenty of loves and tries her hardest to help the succeed. As she begins to take care of the plant more and more throughout the story, she learns some new gardening skills that allow her to become a gardener. With her confidence and desire to succeed, she wanted to make sure the plant survived, just as she wanted her dreams to come true.
A weak and deprived plant lingers on the fine line between life and death. The menacing trees of the forest have stolen all the resources that allow its survival. The plant’s roots were pushed to the top of the soil, causing it to lose access to the hidden resources deep within the soil. Other plants pushed the plant’s fragile roots away from sustenance, engendering the plant’s withering structure. Once, the plant was a strong flower, thriving within the forest, but now it is a ghastly representation of its former glory. The plant was abandoned by the rest of its species, and forced to live in agony for the rest of its life. Society shuns those it deems sinful. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne compels the reader to understand
The mood of the speaker changes to guilt as the speaker and her mother realize they would "crawl" with "shame" and leave an "emptiness" in their father's heart and yard. The author negatively connotes "crawl," "shame," and "emptiness" to invoke a more serious and shameful tone. The beginning of the conveyed a more matter-of-fact and pragmatic tone, but changes into a more sentimental one by the end to convey family is more important than the money. The symbol of the tree represents the family, and connects it to their father's hard work and dedication to the family. If they were to cut it down, it would be symbolic of their betrayal. Imagery of the tree is used to describe the freedom and beauty of the tree as it "swings through another year of sun and leaping winds, of leaves and bounding fruit." The tree represents their family bond and how strong it is even through the "whip-crack of the mortgage."
The poem describes the weather and its effect on cotton flower by pointing out the dying branches and vanishing cotton. The image of insufficiency, struggle and death parallel the oppression of African American race. The beginning of the poem illustrates the struggle and suffering of the cotton flower; which represent the misery of African Americans and also gives an idea that there is no hope for them. But at the end the speaker says “brown eyes that loves without a trace of fear/ Beauty so sudden for that time of year” (lines 13-14). This shows the rise of the African American race, and their fight against racism. The author used mood, tone and
In this “Autumn” chapter, Claudia MacTeer uses flower imagery to describe how she and Frieda respond to their environment. This metaphor calls attention to the importance of nurture and environment for these young children, especially during these formative years of childhood. Like flowers, we depend on our environment for sustenance, so in turn, Pecola Breedlove, Soaphead Church, and Louis, Jr., inherit the legacy of self-loathing and Claudia and Frieda MacTeer inherit the legacy of self-worth.