pH data from the samples of melted untouched snow and sidewalks indicates that the pH is equivalent to the pH of seawater. Although sea life is able to survive in seawater, ordinary fish, animals, species, and humans aren’t able to consume it because we rely on freshwater. Certain levels of pH determine whether the water can sustain life or not. That is why the pH of water is vital. Aquatic life can’t survive in water with a pH above 9 or below 4. The 0.151 grams of melting ice salt added and mixed into the 10 mL of water made the pH 8.5. pH for fresh water needs to stay at a healthy level of 7 The majority of uncontrolled random samples had a higher level than 7 pH We can conclude that “melting ice salt” affects our water quality when
“The pH of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and as such is a measure of the acidity or basicity (sic) of the solution. The letters pH stand for power of hydrogen and the numerical value defined as the negative base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions.” (PH, 2002). The pH scale is from 0 to 14. When the pH is higher, the hydrogen ions are fewer and the substance considered alkaline. This means when a pH unit increases by one, there is a tenfold change in the hydrogen ion. For example, if a substance has a 7 pH, it has 10 times as many as hydrogen ions available as 8 pH. A lake having a water pH between 6.5 and 8.5 is considered to be neutral. Researchers tested Peckham Park lake water monthly from August 2015 to April 2016 for water pH levels. A water quality PH test strip taken from a jar and dipped into the lake. After a few minutes, the strip will turn a color and this color determines the pH. The jar the strips came in has a chart of the colors on the back which compared to the color on the strip. The lake tested monthly using the PH test strips, which show the pH level, hardness, toxic, etc. using color-change
A total of 1.5 mL was added to produce a pH of around 6. The mixture was stirred for an additional 30 minutes.
The pH scale is 1 to 14, 7 being the best quality. To the right is a pH scale. 7 is what the water should be. 7 is also what we had for the creek average. We had a higher number of rocks neutralizing acid (limestone is the stone found mostly in the creek) than the ones that don’t. this means that the acid rain we get is mostly neutralized by limestone in the stream. We get acid rain from Philadelphia. This is because of the massive steel companies. All of the toxic smoke comes over and comes down in the conodoguinet as acid rain. So the creek is non-acidic and non-alkaline.
One of the tests we conducted while I was at Lake Tonetta we learned about pH. Why is pH so important? pH is a good indicator of the lakes healthiness.pH is a way to measure how acidic or how alkaline a body of water pH scale goes from 0-14 a zero is the strongest acid. A reading of 14 would be the strongest base. Pure water is considered neutral-rather an acid or a base with a pH reading of 7 Indicator measure the pH in watersheds to determine whether the water is acidic/neutral, or base.Most living things have adapted to a life in water with specific pH. If the pH changes the organisms may die. The best pH for water is between 6.5-7.5 right near neutral. The pH we tested on November 3, 2016, was 7.This is excellent because all creatures can live in that water it is the healthiest it can be.
If you live in a place that gets cold in the winter, you've probably seen trucks out spreading a mixture of sand and salt on the streets after a snowfall to help de-ice the road. Have you ever wondered how this works? This basic
For part B, 50 mL of an assigned 50 mL pH solution of either 1 M HCl, 1 M NaOH, lemon juice, and 50 mL of household bleach all in separate 250 mL beakers are to be used. For part C, a hot plate or ice are to be used to make the 1.0 mL assigned temperature specific water. This experiment will also use the 1.0 mL of 0.1 Phosphate buffer.
Freshwater is big part of the world functioning today. Water is used for many things and if it is not used properly than it could be destroyed. The question is what is water? Water is a tasteless and odourless often colourless liquid compound consisting of Hydrogen and Oxygen . Canada has 20% of the world fresh water supply . Which is a lot considering we have 0.49% of the worlds population as of 2014 . Water is used for many things including building infrastructure, giving people water in their homes and creating power . Water can also be used for transporting goods down rivers or lakes, and even extracting minerals from underground. Obviously, it can also be used to drink. Those are just a few of the uses water has in the world today. Water is used for almost everything and
Abstract: During this lab, the pH of water in soil from a man made garden, a deciduous forest, and a river bank were tested after leaving it in containers for one, two, and three hours, coming out to a total of three trials with three different soils all together. After testing the pH of the water when being added to the soil for the desired amount of time and comparing it to the original water with no soil added, is then when each pH difference was observed and recorded in a a notebook, while pictures were taken of the experiment being conducted.
When using different methods to measure pH levels there are some tools that can be useful. Some more than others but by putting into action the different methods it may determine which tools will work best and give the best results when testing the pH within a solution. The pH, which stands for the proportion of hydrogen ions in a solution, could be acidic (acidosis), neutral or basic (alkaline). The pH scale goes from numbers 1 through 14. A pH of 7 is neutral;
The most common example of freezing point depression is in the salting of roads when it snows (Kimbrough, 2006). As the melting of the first flakes on the warm road occurs, a solution of salty water is created which has a lower freezing point than pure snow (Kimbrough, 2006). Now, the temperature will not get cold enough to freeze the salty solution the way it can freeze water, keeping ice and snow from bonding to the pavement (Kimbrough, 2006). In this lab, the freezing point depression was calculated experimentally by adding an unknown solute to Lauric Acid,
Water is essential for life as we know it on earth. It is used by plants
The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is NaOH. It has a ph of 11 and is considered as a base. The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is HCl and it has a ph of 2 and is considered as an acid. The chemical formula of ammonia is NH3 and it has a ph of 8 and is considered as a base. The chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl and it has a ph of 7 and is considered aa a base. The chemical formula for deionized water is H2O and has a ph of 7 and is considered neutral. The 7up had a ph of 3 and is considered as an acid. The Maalox had a ph of 8 and is considered as a base. The apple juice had a ph of 4 and is considered as an acid. The vinegar had a ph of 2 and is considered as an acid. When it comes to the color of the indicator in
Water is essential for life on earth. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean, generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! This list is simply non-ending. This shows that water is an integral part of our daily life and we are heavily dependent on it.
Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe,
Since the beginning of the human race, the ocean has been a major source of food. People near the shores have been taking of advantage of the ocean’s rich and diverse source of nourishment for centuries, both as a source of food and a livelihood. However, since the dawn of the industrial age, humans have begun to take from the ocean more that it can give. As a result, the ocean can no longer provide the human race with the abundance that it once did. As technology rapidly advances, populations skyrocket, and global warming spreads havoc, the ocean’s biodiversity and once abundant supply of fish is dwindling, calling marine scientists and experts to race to find solutions that will restore the oceans health while battling world hunger.