
Does Not Rely Upon Intrinsic Aptitude?

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While some may dispute this conclusion because it, admittedly, does not rely upon intrinsic aptitude, Pinker still reveals that there is, indeed, a biological motivation behind more men in STEM. Part IV of this paper addresses motivation more in-depth. The second intrinsic aptitude point, men are better than women at mathematics, engenders a discussion of the legitimacy of the SAT-M as a metric for the specific aptitudes that lead to a PhD in STEM. Plainly, the SAT test as a whole, and certainly the SAT-M, is an excellent indicator of such success. Researchers at the University of Minnesota found SAT scores to be an uncannily accurate indicator of success even at the highest reaches of academia: “Remarkably, those [with exceptional academic outcomes, such as doctoral-level degrees, scholarly publications, and patents] around the 99.13th percentile [of the SAT] published less research and obtained fewer patents than those at the 99.88th percentile [of the SAT], even when controlling for type of institution and degree earned.” Given that the SAT is a precise indicator of success, Spelke’s claim of bias is undone. First, the aforementioned study concludes that “predictive bias” on the SAT is “fiction.” Second, the deletion of female-favoring questions only explains why female scores are not higher than male scores, but it does not explain why male scores are higher than female scores. Third, given that the SAT is undoubtedly predictive at the levels with which this debate is

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