
Does Stem Cell Research Contribute To Modern Medicine?

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How does stem cell research contribute to modern medicine? Table of content:
Introduction Page 1
Use of stem cell research Page 3
Diseases stem cell research has contributed positively to thus far Page 4
Possibilities stem cell research as provided

Stem cells have the potential to develop into various cell types in the body. Stem cell research has been an ongoing process for many years. The past 10 years has seen …show more content…

As in every situation there are pros and cons.
Pros/ Benefits:
Stem cells have great potential in health and medical fields. Stem cells offer a source of replacement cells that can treat diseases and that could reduce the mortality rates. By taking stems cells and turning them into cells that can treat a certain disease is amazing. These are some of the areas where stem cells can benefit humans:
1. Burn victims, their own stems cells can be extracted and used to grow back that piece of tissue that is needed to cover the burn mark, instead of using donor tissue which is not always as safe and effective
2. Heart attacks, patient that suffers from heart attack and severe heart damage, their stem cells may be used to replace damaged tissue by healthy new muscle cells. (Ian Murnahgan BSc (hons), 2016)
‘We should not mess with human life’
‘Humans should not be trying to play God’
People fear that this intense research on stem cells will in the near future lead to the ability to clone humans. (Anon., 2008)
At the end of the day people will have different views and perceptions on whether or not stem cell research should be continued. Stems cells have already contributed positively to modern medicine and with a few more years, stem cells will be the focal point of all medical

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