
Does The Internet Make You Smarter? By Nicholas Carr

Decent Essays

In “ Does the Internet Make You Smarter or dumber?” by Nicholas Carr, Carr argues that not only is using the internet for education not necessary but that it is also harmful. Carr’s thesis says that the internet is bad because it distracts us, affects our cognitive thinking, and can have long term effects. Carr supports his argument by citing professional psychologists and many studies, creating scenarios in the reader's mind of robotic people, and uses logical arguments against the use of the internet.
First, Carr supports his argument by citing professional psychologists, and even uses a study done by universities to prove his point. Carr references leading psychologist Patricia Greenfield and neuroscientist Michael Merzenich to explain …show more content…

One of Carr’s main points is that the internet is actually bad for society as a whole because constantly using the internet will lead to a dumber society. This is just a way for Carr to say that someone who uses the internet is not as smart as someone who uses it less often. He later states that humans are losing some of their cognitive thinking abilities making us act more robotic and if everyone will eventually become this way if we keep using the internet. This idea is used to scare people into stop using the internet and is an effective method for Carr to get his point across. Another way he scares people is he mentions a future where kids don’t read in class but will instead watch videos and won’t know how to spell due to spellcheck and this will lead to a decline in our education system.
Finally, Carr uses logical arguments to support his idea that the internet is too distracting for people to be productive. Although some parts of his article Carr references experiments and opinions of scientists, not all of his arguments need such references because they are just logical arguments. For example, he talks about how people who go online while at work are less productive is a logical argument that makes sense and therefore doesn’t need a source for that argument. Or that the sounds of messages and emails popping up on someone’s computer can get someone unfocused. Carr has uses phrases like “It’s hardly surprising” in his paper to indicate that something is

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