
Does online social networking hinder the development of teenagers?

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The 21st century has seen the internet transformed into a tool that has made communication easier and more accessible. This transformation came about side by side with ideas of online social networks that would enable the interaction of citizens of different countries. Teenagers, being the main players of the online generation, have been caught up in the mix of online social networks as they have grown into a period whereby technology has revolutionized the way people go about their daily activities. However, due to the excessive amount of time spent on these networks and the online freedom that teenagers have, granted from social networking sites, they are left prone to negative effects on their development. For the purposes of this …show more content…

Furthermore, from a 2010 nationwide survey of more than 1000 girls aged 14-17 conducted by Girl Scouts of America, girls with low self esteem admitted that their online image did not match their real image and were more likely to claim that they portrayed it as ‘sexy’ (Muscari). Therefore, online social networking use should be monitored primarily on the creation of user identities to prevent teenagers from developing exaggerated identities which do not match who they really are. Furthermore, the exaggeration of personalities may lead to confusion between who a teenager really is and who he/she portrays to the online realm. The terms of service of these online social networks require a user to be age 13 or above (Facebook Terms of service). Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist who studied identity formation argues that “this age correlates with the stage of identity versus identity confusion [whereby] teenagers seek to find out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life” (Cowie). This confusion could be detrimental to the development of teenagers as it might lead to identity crises or lack of identity and other types of depression diseases associated with it. Thus, online social networks hinder adolescent identity formation because they allow them to exaggerate their personalities and form new identities which can lead to identity confusion and associated disorders. Secondly, without supervision, the

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