The scientists worked with 36 dogs. They videotaped when the owners ignoring dogs in favor of a stuffed, animated dog.
The owners treated the objects as though they were real dogs. They petted them, talked to them, etc.
Later researchers analysed the dogs’ behavior. They checked their aggression, attention seeking, and/or interest in the owner or object.
Dogs were about twice as likely to push or touch the owner when the owner was interacting with the faux dog (78 %).
About 30 % of the dogs also tried to get between their owner and the stuffed
Dogs are known as man’s best friend. Despite lacking the ability to talk, we understand them well. Buddyfruit, also known as “B-Fruit”, is a five-year-old male Pointer with a heart of gold. His family, the Whitfield family, brought him into their home almost three years ago. Cooper is a three-year-old male Golden Retriever with sad eyes and a joyful soul. His family, the Ruiz family, welcomed him into their family roughly a year and a half ago. From physical features, to aspects of personality, to history and background, every individual dog shares similarities and differences.
The U.S. owned-dog population is 78.2 million and it is growing steadily. With a population so large it is no surprise that the pet
to owners who were more likely to raise aggressive dogs, and media sensationalism in the
Have you ever owned a dog? Encountered a dog with aggressive behavior? Such as possibly being run after by a dog, consistent barking/growling, and or maybe being bitten by a dog. The answer may be a yes to at least first question. Dogs are great companions they are known as being a man’s best friend. Pit bulls are American Pit Bull Terrier, they have essentially been labeled the face of an “aggressive” dog problem. For this paper I have interviewed Adam Hill. He is an adjunct faculty member in the English Department at Columbus State Community College, he is a father, and husband. This problem seems as if it falls back onto the owner of the dog rather than the breed, although the Pit Bull breed is largely known as having an alpha dog mentality,
Keyes turned to her computer to make sure that she was giving the correct numbers on aggressive Pit Bulls and replied that, “We had in 2016, it looks like we had only four Pit Bulls that was declared ‘viscous.’ In a way this surprised me because Pit Bulls have been portrayed as overly aggressive in the past, and that is when it confirmed my theory that not all Pit Bulls that go into the shelter are actually aggressive. Going straight to the source is one way to learn the truth against stereotypes, since there are few people who can read a dog’s behavior correctly. Interestingly, there have been only 23 dogs who an officer has placed them under aggression warning. The officer can determine the behavior of the dog when they pick the dog up. Now
Man’s best friend: you would think that that title would conjure up images of humans, or even our closest cousins in the animal kingdom, such as monkeys, apes, and chimpanzees. However, the first image that enters most humans head is the same image that would have induced fear hundreds of years ago, the not so distant heir to the wolf: dogs. The same creatures that we feuded with for survival now take up a huge part of our lives and make up a large portion of the images littering the internet. Dogs take part in everything from movies to family gatherings, to search and rescue and emotional or physical service. Nearly fifty percent of American households alone have at least one dog, and between all of us we own 83.3 million dogs, a number not to be trifled with. The place our four-legged canine companions claim is undisputed and easily backed up.
Also another test done by the Journal of Forensic Science showed that “vicious dog owners reported significantly higher criminal thinking, entitlement, sentimentality and super-optimism tendencies. Vicious dog owners were arrested, engaged in physical fights, and used drugs significantly more than other dog owners." Which reveals how Pit bulls are often used in wrongful means and given a bad name when it all boils down to the owners.
This has led to the belief that dogs can provide company, affection and support to people who are going through a difficult time or who feel lonely. Dogs have aided humans in tasks such as hunting, livestock herding, and guarding. However, as society moved from small rural communities to increasingly large metropolitan areas, the dog’s role changed. Throughout the years a more specific type of
Even if the breed and owner characteristics didn't match, these pooches are still sure to help their owners relax after a
For millions of years dogs have remained a constant companion of man. Bred from the aggressive and formidable Gray Wolf tens of thousands of years ago the domestic dog now lives in many homes across the world. Where in the far distant past the domestic dog was bred as a guard animal, a beast of burden, and even a food source the dogs of today are bred for a far more endearing purpose-companionship and love. Finding a pet dog that is more of a joy than a chore is necessary when asking: How much is that puppy in the window?
The interviewee, Prima Balford an avid Pit Bull owner, disclosed that she has owned Pit Bulls all of her life. When asked her why she decided to adopt a Pit Bull, she disclosed that it just kind of happened; her parent’s friends had them and she ended up getting one for free when she was just a child. She said after owning Pit Bulls, she could never imagine having another breed of dog. When asked about her overall experience with Pit Bulls she began talking about her dog Moe. According to her, “Moe thinks he is a giant lap dog and is actually afraid of my cat”. The interviewee also disclosed that she has a young daughter and Moe sleeps outside her door every night. Many of the respondents in the survey also disclosed that their dog is great with their young child. The interviewee said she can understand why Pit Bulls are referred to as the Nanny dog after having her daughter. Balford was also asked about any negative experiences she had as a Pit Bull owner. She said she’s never had any problems with her dogs. Her dog Moe barks when someone comes to the door, but quickly backs off once he sees the person is welcome in the home. While the interviewee said she never planned on having a Pit Bull, she is very glad it ended up happening that way.
Given that dogs have such positive effects on people in their everyday activities, I wondered how these effects could translate to
Real dogs have a personality, meaning they grow with different feelings and emotions, they could be energetic, sassy, and even humorous. These outstanding creatures are drawn and painted in ancient egyptian art, and they are shown to be useful tools, and pets. Dogs can learn, and eventually, they could perform almost any action you call them to. At the end of the day, dogs will always be there to help
Pets can fill a void in an owner’s life, by allowing them to nurture something and receive a sense of satisfaction. Socially pets have become so much a part of our daily lives that they are often treated as if they were children, some lucky pets even attend daily play sessions, and are treated to extreme indulgence; all to make their owner feel as if they were an infant or a child. Blind owners rely on their seeing eye dogs to guide them around wherever they go; they are trained to guide them past and around obstacles. The National Institute of Health states, “More than half of all U.S. households have a companion animal. Pets are more common in households with children, yet there are more pets than children in American households. There are more than 51 million dogs, 56 million cats, 45 million birds, 75 million small mammals and reptiles, and uncounted millions of aquarium fish” (np). Many movie stars and rich and famous people have begun using pets as a status symbol. Millions of dollars are spent finding the perfect and most valuable pet even to the extent that the original breed of animal has become unrecognizable or even extinct. This need for high status and perfection has resulted in safety risks to both pets and the people they live with. Inbreeding and tampering with cross genes in animals often result in an animal of inferior security and emotional stability, thus resulting in an aggressive and violent temperament. In an attempt to
Instead of sympathizing for the neglect, abuse, and torture they endure, people typically form a sense of hatred toward the animals. A present day issue is the constant abandonment and mistreatment of pitbulls--the most common canine used in dogfighting events (“Animal Fighting”). Rather than questioning why these dogs are being used in this hostile crime, people automatically assume that their aggressive tendencies make them perfect for the job. However, these dogs usually begin as puppies or as non-aggressive dogs. Their aggressive nature develops as dogfighters repeatedly make them fight for their lives. Sadly, a dog who once knew nothing of aggression will eventually become “so aggressive that they ultimately must be euthanized” (“Animal Fighting Facts”). These canine victims face endless cruelty and neglect as they go through the “training” process. They are often “forced to wear heavy chains and run on treadmills: left outside without shelter: fed steroids to increase muscle mass; fed stimulants to make them aggressive in a fight; fed narcotics so they don’t feel pain in a fight; starved to make them aggressive or so they can “make weight” in a contract fight; and subjected to cruel amatuer ear cropping and treatment for fighting injuries” (“Animal Fighting Facts”). The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals has estimated that “there are tens of thousands of