
Domestic Violence And Traumatic Brain Injury: Article Analysis

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In the article No Visible Bruises: Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury during the holidays in 2012 or 2013 a women went through a domestic violence situation with her boyfriend. She had suffered a brain injury so there were two versions to her story. There are numerous methods of intimate partner violence that are extremely serious and can also be life threatening. Daily, average of over three women are killed by their partner in the United States. “In 2005, 1,510 people were killed by an intimate partner (Myth vs Facts).” When the woman was telling her story she would go back and forth. In one of her stories she states her son and daughter were at the scene. In her other story she mentioned it was just her daughter at the scene. I …show more content…

It could have caused difficulties in telling her story and the traumatic brain injury could have led to PTSD. When someone experiences domestic violence it is a tough situation to overcome, it may take years before you are able to accept and overcome what you once experienced.
Traumatic brain injury is a serious harm to the brain which happens after a blow or jolt to the head. Also it causes wide-ranging spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. Suffering from TBI is not only an impact on the individual but it can also be devastating to the individual’s family. TBI can occur after experiencing a traumatic event or situation such as, accident, fall, violence, etc. There are three types of common symptoms for TBI for example, Physical, cognitive, and emotional. The symptoms for TBI and PTSD are really similar and because of similarities in both, it can be difficult to understand what the fundamental complication is. Furthermore, individuals with TBI are more likely to develop PTSD in the long run. Since there were many things the women was forgetting about while telling her story, it could have been due to TBI. When telling her story she couldn’t stay calm,” she cries

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