
Domestic Violence Scenarios

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During my time spent outreaching to community agencies dealing with public needs, I found a significant gap of individuals responding to trauma that were not receiving the adequate mental care for such experiences. In particular, when a domestic violence act has been committed and there is a decision to call for help, an individual will call the police, the first responders. Now, the police is there specifically to make sure the peace is kept, to record the situation, and give resources to the victim for further action. There is little to no mental health guidance for the victim in coping with the traumatic event that just occurred, the victim instead is given numbers she/he can call and make appointments. For me personally, I feel that an …show more content…

Of course, given the assumption that the individuals will utilize the numbers the police officers give them at the scene. Local services include: CCPD Victim Advocacy Section, Child Protective Services, Adult Protective Services, MHMR Crisis Services, Family Counseling Services. Turing Point Counseling Services, Battered Women’s Shelter, District Attorney’s Office, County Attorney’s Office Protective Order Unit, Dispute Resolution Services and Crime Victims Compensation (2016). Also, if one has the desire to go further in services available to advocate against domestic violence, continue knowledge, or connect nationally to others in the same situation I would recommend checking out: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) (2016), National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (2016), National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (2012), and The National Domestic Violence Hotline …show more content…

The NCADV states their mission, “[NCADV] is the voice of victims and survivors. We are the catalyst for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence. We do this by effecting public policy, increasing understanding of the impact of domestic violence, and providing programs and education that drive that change” (2016). I thoroughly enjoy when the mission statement mentions creating zero tolerance. This brings me back to having both counselor and police show up at the door steps of a domestic violence call. If we, the public, start to take these incidents as serious as they really are, we would be putting out a message to the community saying that this is no longer tolerated socially and/or behind doors. Sometimes there will be individuals who don’t know for sure if the relationship is healthy or not so they may be in a maladaptive partnership and not even know for sure. According to Childress (2013), “Abusive relationships were described as devastating to women’s self-esteem and self-identity and led to feelings of sadness, isolation degradation, and despair” (p.702). During times of crisis such as these, the National Hotline would be the best bet if one had access to a phone and the phone number (1-800-799-7233). This particular service offers individuals 24/7 access to highly-trained advocates who can connect someone to resources,

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