
Don Marquis Abortion

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Abortion is arguably one of the most debated topics in the modern 20th century. The sides argued in this debate are pro-life and pro-choice. This debate can be found in politics, planned parenthood discussions, and even philosophy. Many philosophers have tired to settle this debate in terms of morality. Don Marquis addresses this debate in his article “Why abortion is immoral” supporting the pro-life choice. On the other hand, Judith Jarvis Thomson supports the pro-choice position in her article “A Defense of Abortion”. After reading both articles and critically analyzing them I believe that Thompson presents a much more persuasive case. Thompsons article “A defense of Abortion” finds abortion morally permissible. To persuade her readers …show more content…

Thompson grants that for the sake of the argument that an embryo is considered a person. From this statement she then claims that one can’t effectively argue that abortion is morally impermissible based on whether or not an embryo is a human. After this she presents the basic argument for abortion. The basic argument states the following: A fetus is a person and everyone has a right to life, therefore a fetus has a right to life. The mother has a right to decide what happens in and to he body, but a fetus’ right to life outweighs the mothers right to choose. Therefore, the fetus may not be aborted. However, Thompson refutes the basic argument by saying that abortion is morally permissible in cases where abortion is necessary to save the mother, in cases of rape, or failed contraception. To support her claim that abortion is morally permissible in cases of rape she creates the violin thought experiment. The violin thought experiment is when imaging waking up in the morning and finding yourself attached in bed with an unconscious famous violinist. Whom has been found to have a fatal kidney problem, and the Society of Music Lovers has found that you alone have the right blood type to help him. The society has therefore …show more content…

Take into consideration the concept that the embryo might not be considered a human at conception. This is where Marquis' argument falls apart. To support the conclusion that an embryo isn’t a human at conception Thomson uses an oak tree analogy. She quotes that "Similar things might be said about the development of an acorn into an oak tree, and it does not follow that acorns are oak trees, or that we had better say they are". Marquis fails to even discuss this idea about abortion. Another problem in Marquis' argument is that he relies on the fetuses having fortunate lives. However, what about children born into tremendously difficult lives. While many children will have fortunate childhoods, some are unlucky. This is yet another topic that Marquis failed to consider in his argument. Another flaw in his article is when he says “Almost all people believe that it is wrong, to withdraw medical treatment from patients who are temporarily unconscious”. The problem is that Marquis does not explain what temporarily unconscious means. In addition, I personally don’t believe in passive euthanasia or not withdrawing care. These flaws furthermore strengthen Thompsons already strong argument. Thompson is stronger because it addresses the need for an additional link between the conclusion that an unborn fetus is a person and that killing the fetus is impermissible. The missing link is that taking the life

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