
Don T Blame The Eater By Inga Kiderra

Decent Essays

Everyone cares about looks and fitness. Ironically the obese rate is ever increasing, but who is to blame? According to Inga Kiderra in her article “Obesity is Socially Contagious” believes that the people we associate ourselves with determine our overall health. However, David K. Li in his article “NJ Woman Attempting to be the Worlds Fattest” writes about a New Jersey woman whom is driven by fame in her effort to be the world’s heaviest women. Yet, David Zinczenko in his article “Don’t Blame the Eater” explains that it is fast food corporations that are making people obese. Being obese has many factors, but these ideas more closely relate to the majority of people. I agree that our social life, societal pressures, and social life paradigms influence the, obesity problem in the United States. …show more content…

Kiderra ties this idea to being obese. She stats “if a person you consider a friend becomes obese […] your own chances of becoming obese go up 57 percent” (1). The bonds we make with others goes beyond mental, they can affect our physical appearance. Kiderra also goes on and explains that it isn’t our immediate family that has the greatest effect on us physiologically, but our friends. Also “further analysis also suggest that people’s influence on each other’s obesity status could not be put down just to similarities in lifestyle and environment” (1). We feel comfortable around people with the same trends as us not only in obesity, but any activity that makes us similar. This leads people to do what their friends or people around them

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