
Donald Trump As A Good Role Model

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Many do not see Donald Trump as a good person, but he still has done some good things with his life. He has donated to over 298 charities through his organization, giving about $5.5 million total. He wants a tax plan to help the poor. Anyone earning under $25,000 would pay no income tax which would be very helpful. Most people don't believe this, but he is a very confident person and a good role model. Showing how even if you start with a “small” amount of money, you can turn it into a billion or more dollars. Donald J. Trump was born in Queens New York, on June 14th 1946. Born to Fred and Mary Anne Trump. He attended New York Military Academy at the age 13. After graduating he attended Fordham University before transferring to Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, to study economics. In 1971 Trump was given control of his father's business. He then changed it to Trump Organization, moving to Manhattan to begin a new life, with powerful connections. The pennsylvania central railroad entered bankruptcy, that's when trump then purchased the property,and created the city convention center. …show more content…

Well there is almost no argument to that it shows how black and white society can be, while truthfully there is a lot of grey in between, no one tells it how it is, and media jumps on every chance it gets to turn a bad situation into a political one. Donald Trump’s ill-mannered statements and actions seem offensive, and some are, but sometimes that's what the people need to hear. The truth is not always gonna be nice, and sometimes you got to admit that some parts of this beautiful country of ours, is screwed up. And no, obviously Trump is not the perfect candidate, but is anyone? Will there be any president who didn't mess something up?. Of course Donald Trump has very controversial ideas about some things, but it doesn't make him all bad. Even someone like Donald Trump has a decent

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